Gaining in-game money while being away from your gaming keyboard is a joy to watch. That is why this blog post is dedicated to covering a guide on how a Car Dealership Tycoon gamer can AFK grind or AFK farm. Without further ado, let us delve in.
Short Answer On How To AFK Farm In Car Dealership Tycoon
In order to AFK farm in car dealership tycoon, the gamer has to download TinyTask software. Then record keyboard gaming input with TinyTask. Turn on TinyTask to repeat the already recorded keyboard driving inputs. This way, a gamer will earn money while being away from the keyboard.
(Detailed Answer) How A Roblox Gamer Can AFK Farm In CDT (Car Dealership Tycoon In 6 Steps)
The following is a practical guide on how a gamer can AFK grind on car dealership tycoon:
Step 1: Head To Google And Search Out “TinyTask”

TinyTask is a tool that helps automate tasks for potential users. The central theme of AFK grinding in Car Dealership tycoon is to be able to be off the keyboard and earn in-game money.
Step 2: Download The Latest Version Of TinyTask
The next practical step to take is to download the latest version.
Step 3: Set Up TinyTask To Record You Drive A Car
Open the TinyTask software. It will open in the background of the Car Dealership game. From then, click on the tap labeled “Prefs”. Then click on another tab labeled “continuous playback”. Click on the “Prefs” tab again and ensure that your playback hotkey is “F8”.
Step 4: Choose Plot 8 In The Car Dealership Tycoon Game
The reason why you should choose Plot 8 is that you will need to drive somewhere relatively easy and repetitive.
Step 5: Record With TinyTask While Driving With Keyboard Activity
Turn on TinyTask and drive. It is important to note that TinyTask does not register camera movement. Thus, do not move your camera. Find a very flat surface where you can go as fast as possible. After driving around a little, Press ESC. Then proceed to reset the character. This can be done by pressing the “reset” key that follows.
Step 6: Press F8 To Start Running TinyTask And AFK Farm In Car Dealership Tycoon
TinyTask in the background will drive in the path you drove, earning you money fast on Car Dealership Tycoon. All this would happen while you are AFK- Away From Keyboard.